Associate Professor Sebastian King is a gifted surgeon and researcher who is passionate about helping children whose “guts don’t work.” Dedicating his career to researching the causes and developing better standards of care, A/Professor King and the RCH Foundation are seeking philanthropic support to help children with serious gut issues enjoy a better quality of life.
In five words, tell us why you’re passionate about your work?
I have the best job!
How does philanthropy support your work?
I could not do my work without the support of the RCH Foundation, and philanthropy in general. My position as an Academic Paediatric Surgeon is currently funded by the Foundation. My motility research has been completely funded by philanthropy, both by individuals and organisations. And our new Complex Colorectal Service, which has allowed us to employ two specialised nurses, a clinical psychologist, and a social worker, is funded by RCH families, businesses and the Foundation.
Who is the most influential person in your life?
Does Sue Hunt (RCH Foundation CEO) read this newsletter??
What book are you reading right now?
Dramatic Exchanges: Letters of the National Theatre
If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be?
Nelson Mandela