In 2012 the Myors family’s life was turned upside down. Ian and Kelly’s daughter Chloe went to school like any other day and collapsed just after the first bell.
Having suffered from a brain aneurysm, Chloe was airlifted to The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH). Three days later, Ian, Kelly and Chloe’s little brother Ben said their final goodbyes to their beloved 11 year old daughter and sister.
In 2017, following a Memorial Day held annually for bereaved families at the RCH, Ben told dad Ian that he wanted to do something to raise money for the hospital and the idea for ‘The Chloe Clash’ was born.
“In the car on the way home, Ben said to me that he wanted to raise money for the hospital and honour Chloe. It’s remarkable what the hospital does to support families like ours who have lost children, they continue to support us,” Ian said.
Within an hour Ben had come up with a unique concept – a 24-hour non-stop marathon sports game is part netball, part basketball. Netball was the game Chloe excelled at and loved and basketball is Ben’s sport of choice. While it may sound confusing, rules are fairly simple and when the ball crosses the centre line, it becomes the other sport.
The inaugural Chloe Clash took place in 2017, and in the first two years, the Chloe Clash had raised $22,000 for the RCH.
After two years of not being able to hold the event due to COVID-19 related lockdowns, the Clash was back for 2022. To kick off the year, the Chloe Clash team held a Bogan Bingo event in February 2022. The event was a resounding success, raising over $10,000 for the hospital and getting Ben and Ian excited for the Chloe Clash game, scheduled for late September.
For Ian, planning the event after two years of pandemic related cancellations was challenging.
“We didn’t know if people would still get behind the event and back it after two years of pandemic delays, especially players as we require around 60 people to play. But in the last weeks before the event, word travelled that the Chloe Clash event was on again and our local community stood up in support,” said Ian.
And show up they did. Over 300 players, volunteers and spectators came together at the Casey Stadium over 24 hours to support the 2022 Chloe Clash, reinforcing to Ian just how much Chloe meant to people, as well as the remarkable legacy she has left.
“For both Ben and I, this event and the support we receive show us just how much impact Chloe had in her short 11 years and 11 months. We know that Chloe would be very humbled to think the game she played and loved is helping children and their families at the RCH.”