Neurosurgical team receive life-saving microscope upgrade

Undertaking surgery on a child’s developing brain is a difficult and risky operation. For the highly trained neurosurgeons at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), operating microscopes are essential tools during these procedures for providing light and magnification for surgery.

Thanks to the generous community of Good Friday Appeal supporters, the RCH Neurosurgery Department has upgraded its equipment with a new operating microscope that includes the latest technological features to help save children’s lives.

The new hybrid microscope has advanced functions including an endoscope attachment which surgeons can use to identify tumours that are out of the normal field of view and improve access to regions of the brain that were previously difficult to reach. It also features 3D technology so surgeons can operate in ergonomic positions and enhance educational opportunities in theatre.

“This additional technology allows us to tackle the most complex cases, whilst reducing surgeon fatigue and enhancing the operative view for all team members,” said Alison Wray, Acting Director, RCH Neurology.