Carole’s legacy

Kind, generous, fun and eccentric – that’s how Bronwyn and Cassie remember their late friend, Carole Spong.

“Carole and I became friends 38 years ago when we were both working as air hostesses with Australian Airlines. She was one of the kindest, most generous and most loyal people you could ever meet. She also had a big personality. She was eccentric, wild and fun,” said Bronwyn.

Cassie agreed, adding, “She was a great listener. She’d listen to people’s issues and whatever you needed she would offer, whether it was advice or just being a sounding board. And she loved entertaining, always having parties and gatherings with her loved ones.”

The friends also touched on Carole’s love of collecting, colour and spirituality.

Carole with one of her loves – dogs

“It was always an experience walking into Carole’s house. She’d collected so many knick knacks over the years, all very eclectic and different. You didn’t know where to look. I think she collected friends like she collected things – we’re also all very different,’ reflected Cassie.

“She was also very spiritual. She believed in angels and would go to fortune tellers. The theme of her wake was angels, colour and sparkles,” said Bronwyn.

While Carole’s adulthood was spent exploring countries, entertaining friends and collecting treasures, much of her childhood was spent at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH).

So, when Carole first spoke with her friends about her intention to leave a Gift in her Will to the RCH Foundation, Bronwyn and Cassie, who are also executors of Carole’s Will, weren’t surprised.

“She was so generous that she would have given money to every charity if she could. But supporting the RCH is something she was very passionate about. She always donated to the Good Friday Appeal, and we discussed her desire to leave money to the RCH several times,” Bronwyn explained.

“She felt so strongly that the RCH had been so good to her and her family that she wanted to pass some of her wealth to them,” added Cassie.

It is Bronwyn and Cassie’s hope that Carole’s Gift will be put to something that makes kids smile.

“Carole always said life was so serious. That’s why she wanted to have lots of fun things in her house, she wanted to make people smile. So, I think that she would want her legacy to be – something that makes kids smile,” said Bronwyn.

Did you know letting us know you have made a Gift in your Will helps to ensure it will be fulfilled in the way you intend? By telling us about your Gift in Will, we can also work with you to make sure it has the greatest impact. To learn more about leaving a Gift in your Will to the RCH Foundation, please contact Kathryn Sell, Philanthropy Lead via email: [email protected].