Broadmeadows Auxiliary

Main funding purpose: Area of greatest need

The story so far

Broadmeadows Auxiliary was founded in 1967 by a group of families and friends. For over 50 years the Broadmeadows Auxiliary has supported the hospital, raising money for a number of areas including the Pathology, Neonatal, Ophthalmology, Dentistry and Psychiatry Departments as well as the ICU, the Diabetic Unit and the Day Cancer Unit. Over the years, their fundraising activities have evolved from selling Christmas cards, pie and chocolate drives, to selling Tote Bags, holding stalls at Wallan Market and hosting high teas. The Auxiliary also served Devonshire teas at the Broadmeadows Youth Expo, held a children’s fancy dress party and assisted in the Kiosk, Canteen and Auxiliaries Gift Shop. Many members enjoyed Morning Melodies music events and theatre days. One of its members, Maude Ham, was the inaugural Madge Tate Service Award winner, receiving the award in 1994. Maude was involved in the administration of the Auxiliary and worked in the Canteen for over 25 years.

2022/2023 Auxiliary Report

Our Auxiliary continues to be a tight knit group of members who enjoy being part of a team and focussing on raising money for the RCH. Over the past year, we have welcomed members, farewelled members and are celebrating members receiving 20, 25 and 30 year badges. We are now back in the hospital and currently holding four stalls a year, and we would like to say a huge thank you to Lucia Di Maio for sourcing our products. Outside the hospital, our first ever knitwear stall at Bunnings in March 2023 was a great success. We also came together to run a successful sausage sizzle just before Good Friday this year. As a treat we recently went to Windy Hill Function Centre in Essendon and held a meeting whilst enjoying a high tea. We have reintroduced a special effort raffle at our meetings where a member, for a gold coin, gets the chance to win a small prize. We are also pleased to share that we are on track for a successful year ahead. We are currently planning a Christmas in July lunch event and a high tea afternoon in October. Well done everyone for allowing this Auxiliary to be part of the RCH Auxiliaries team.

Office bearers

President: Janice Memery
Secretary: Faye Eccles
Treasurer: Christine Boden


Janice Memery

0419 554 243

[email protected]