Friends of the CBC Auxiliary

Main funding purpose: the Children’s Bioethics Centre (CBC)

The story so far

The Friends of the CBC Auxiliary was formed in 2018 to support the CBC’s education programs, including the Annual International Paediatric Bioethics Conference held at the RCH. The Auxiliary is built upon the success of the Bioethics Development Board, which supported the CBC for many years under the leadership of Barry Novy OAM.

The Auxiliary sponsors ongoing CBC podcasts titled ‘Essential Ethics’, online e-Learning modules, employment of an Education Project Officer within the CBC and the National Paediatric Bioethics Conference which is held each year at the RCH.

Fundraising activities include a giving circle membership model, several hypothetical events and a sponsored annual charity golf day at the Albert Park Golf Course.

You can learn more about the CBC by visiting the CBC’s website here

Support us

The CBC Conference and Education programs require funding and we feel the ‘Friends’ is the best means to secure these vital functions. Your support is very much needed. Should you wish to make a payment of the annual suggested gift of $200 via EFT please see the RCH Foundation banking information below.

Account Name: Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation – Operating Account: (Trust 1)
Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account no: 150063493
ABN: 15 007 143 142
ACN: 007 143 142

Please use “CBC Auxiliary” in the banking description for easy tracking.

Once your payment has been made please notify Lucia Di Maio, Auxiliaries Coordinator, the RCH Foundation, via email [email protected] with your payment remittance and address details so that you can be mailed a printed receipt.

For credit card payments over the phone or any further queries with regards to payment please contact Lucia via 03 9345 5188.

Benefits of being a Friend of the CBC include:

  • An invitation to the three-day National Bioethics Conference.
  • Acknowledgment as a ‘Friend’ in the Conference Program (with your permission).
  • Access to research articles produced by the CBC.
  • Receipt of an Annual Report summarising the activities of the CBC.
  • An invitation to a ‘Hypothetical’ or other similar events to be held at the RCH on future dates.
  • The RCH Foundation e-newsletter.
  • The Auxiliary Digest newsletter.
  • Not least, a heartfelt glow of satisfaction.

Office bearers

President: Robbie Friedman
Treasurer: Ric Comber


Robbie Friedman
0419 007 369

Ric Comber
0412 243 624