Thank you RCH1000 supporters

RCH1000 members support vital, ground-breaking research projects at the RCH by making an annual $1,000 donation.

With a passion for philanthropy and community, Barry Novy OAM has a long-standing relationship with the hospital, as a former board member of the RCH and former chairman of the RCH Foundation. He is currently the chairman of RCH1000.

“It is a privilege to be affiliated with the RCH. I have been working with them for a long time now and I am proud of their ground breaking work and the amazing complex care provided to patients and families on a daily basis.”

Barry is proud of his association with RCH1000 and the groundbreaking research it supports, including the Harmonising Age Pathology Parameters in Kids (HAPPI Kids) study at MCRI. The creation of an age-appropriate database of healthy kid’s blood samples has far-reaching impacts on children’s pathology, providing accurate benchmarks to interpret blood test results and diagnose sick children.

Thank you to all of our generous RCH1000 supporters.