Perry Sambor and the Live Life Foundation support Neurology at the RCH

Perry Sambor and the Live Life Foundation visited the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) this month to present Associate Professor Andrew Kornberg, a senior neurologist in the RCH Neurology Department with a cheque for $220K.  Perry and the Live Life Foundation have generously been contributing to the Neurology Department since 2014.

The RCH cares for thousands of sick children and young people each year. Life limiting and progressive neurological disorders profoundly impact a child’s quality of life. Thankfully, donors like Perry and the Live Life Foundation support Neurology programs at the RCH.

With a passion for philanthropy and community, successful businessman Perry Sambor established the Live Life Foundation in 2013 to support the care of children with disabilities.

Andrew thanked Perry and the team for this incredible gift and talk about the impact such a significant gift will have on Neurology patients.  Gifts like these support vital work across the Neurology department, including the Stroke, Epilepsy and the Neuromuscular Clinic.

“I really want to thank the Live Life Foundation and Perry who has been driving it with his whole team and obviously the Children’s Hospital Foundation and Children’s Hospital executive Tom… who have been great supporters of many of our Neurology programs over the years,” said Andrew.

Andrew went on to say “… Perry and The Live Life Foundation have to date given $300,00. And from the Gold Day, this $220,000 cheque will go towards the Complex Movement program which will allow them to function for up to an additional two years.”

Thank you, Perry and the team at the Live Life Foundation, your impact on children’s health is life changing.